Message from NWPP to CPC
- असार ६, २०७८
On 18th June 2021, Narayanman Bijukchhen, Chairman of Nepal Workers and Peasants’ Party (NWPP) has send a congratulatory message to Xi Jingping, General Secretary of Chinese Communist Party (CPC)...
On 18th June 2021, Narayanman Bijukchhen, Chairman of Nepal Workers and Peasants’ Party (NWPP) has send a congratulatory message to Xi Jingping, General Secretary of Chinese Communist Party (CPC)...
Amidst the prairie fire of the covid pandemic, an announcement from China to provide 1 million additional anti-covid vaccines to Nepal is hugely applauded by Nepalese People. Since April,...
China has “control of multiple UN agencies” through “its financial muscle and influential people acting as its proxies,” a Mumbai-based think tank, Gateway House: Indian Council on Global Relations,...
Speech delivered by Narayanman Bijukchhen ‘Rohit’ on the virtual meeting between the leaders of Nepali political leaders and the senior officials of Chinese Communist Party International Department (IDCPC) on...
Kamala Nepali , a nurse serving in a government hospital in Nepalgunj city, a metropolitan adjoining India border herself is infected by Covid -19 . But instead of taking...
Rupika Budha Shrestha Nepal is under the second wave of corona pandemic heading to the verge of “health emergency”. The health conditions and services are degrading day by...
America today remains a pioneer in developing the most innovative methods of destruction known to man. Since WWII, few nations have dedicated more efforts into mass killing than the...
The parliamentarians participating in the Committee of Industry, Commerce, Labour and Consumer Welfare on Sunday have underscored the need for making the country self-reliant in agriculture. Expressing their dissatisfaction...