भर्खरै :

Reading Xi Jingping

  • असार ३१, २०८०
  • Niraj Lawoju
  • English
Reading Xi Jingping

Getting a copy of Xi Jingping’s ‘The Governance of China’ first volume on hand was exhilarating moment. Foremost impression I had on the appearance of the book was that I remembered the volumes of selected works of Chinese veteran leaders Mao Tse Tung and Deng Xiaoping in our college library.

Among those thick volumes, I had gone through some and found them really insightful. Of course we knew Chairman Mao and Deng Xiaoping from our childhood days.

Besides thickness and well finishing of the Xi’s volume, colorful photographs printed on thicker, clean and white pages stimulated me to go through it asap. No one can understand China better today unless he goes through the works of President Xi. So, reading Xi’s volumes definitely is an attempt to have clearer picture of China and the way it is thriving on.

As soon as I turned pages, I was impressed by the way Xi articulated his opinion and discussed his arguments. I found the style of describing his opinion, dividing it into topics and sub topics very worthy, to have apparent landscape of his thought. Simple but weighty sentences, memorable lines and using of Chinese proverbs and anecdotes made the volume a real page-turner.

All articles compiled in the first part of the Governance of China are written or delivered a decade ago. Three more volumes of the series had already been published in English. (I already have collected all four volumes and I am sure I will go through them each.) That means many theoretical and policy level works have been done after publication of the first volume. But I found articles in the opening volume not only relevant but important to read to plunge into the later volumes.

President Xi, in his articles sounds quiet clear about the path he is going to lead his country and countrymen. He has a blueprint of Chinese future and that is not based on any windbag and vainglory. Rather each and every line of his planning is grounded on the objective analysis and ground level understanding of China and Chinese people.

Xi very well knows what Chinese people want, what Chinese history taughts, what capabilities China owns and how could China fulfill her dream. He knows what China could contribute for peace and prosperity of the whole world and progress of humankind. He understands what are the main evils and envies of humankind and hurdles for progress.

Articles on myriad subjects- from politics to economy, from history to future, from revolution to reforms, from domestic issues to international relations, from defense to ecology are compiled in the volume. The common points in each of these articles are dreams and hopes that Chinese society has today. Xi, through his articles has kindled a light of hope not only in the heart of Chinese people, but of all human hearts.

Contrary to some contemporary world leaders, Xi consistently insisted on the constructive ways to build up the world and human civilization, not to destruct. He stands on the side of peace and reconciliation and oppose war and destruction. China, undoubtedly is marching ahead as a powerful country. But it differs from other powerful countries in many ways. It has became powerful not by looting treasures of developing and underdeveloped countries. China never was an imperialist country. Rather it is one among many such countries victimized by Imperialist and Colonial powers. That could be the reason how Chinese leaders can reflect the agony of the plundered countries. Xi, in his articles assured the third world that China whatsoever the condition might be, would always stand on the side of developing world. China would never choose the side of violence and destruction.

Chinese leader encourages his countrymen for technological revolution. Even the Western technocrats and engineers make their eyes bigger seeing Chinese progresses in technical fields within short period. China once a technology importing country is now a number one technology innovator, producer and exporter in the world. Technological revolution eased Chinese mission of eradicating poverty and deprivation quicker. Chinese people enjoy easier and comfortable life because of achievements and successes of Chinese scientist and engineers. It brought Chinese people pride and glory all over the world. As a statesman, Xi well understands the importance of technological strides to bring the nation happiness.

No country can go ahead unless the young people march on the path of changes with unison voices and zeal. Change is possible only if youths are relied upon. Xi, a leader who has a long background of struggle in his young days, knows the aspiration of young people. He enthuses Chinese youths to stand on the side of building a community with shared future and humanity. He encourages Chinese youths to work hard for innovation and creation with professional competence and firm ideals and convictions.

Chinese leaders succeeded in achieving objectives that once seen as impossible because they rely upon people. For them no Kings and Leaders are heroes of history but the people are. They ground themselves on Chinese people and have deep trust on their capabilities.  President Xi writes-‘The people are the creators of history. They are real heroes and the sources of our strength.’

Xi insisted on the importance of developing Chinese characteristics of Socialism. He, following the path of his predecessors puts light on why Socialism is crucial for Chinese progresses. It is based on long and pensive history of Chinese people. It is an achievement of practical implementation of Marxism in Chinese context.

Xi Jingping through his volumes successfully presented himself as the world leader who has capability to resolve challenges and problems the world is facing today. Successes Chinese people scored in bringing smiles on the faces of Chinese people could be lessons for the leaders all over the world. Developed countries in the West are encountering crisis one after another and leaders had lost their heads to find out the sustainable solutions. Countries in Africa, Latin America and Asia are in dilemma in search of appropriate ways for their progresses. Of course no model of governance is prefect and imitative. But success story of China could definitely help the world for the better option. For that Xi Jingping’s ‘The Governance of China’ could be a must-be-in-collection book.

Xi Jingping’s volumes are translated into hundreds of languages including Nepali, which is really important. It will help even ordinary people to learn about the path and progresses China is building today.

Niraj Lawoju

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